Tom Cauthorn provides insight to Braves rezoning lawsuit

By Marijane Cauthorn

The law may often be complicated, subject to interpretation, and confusing, but in some cases, it certainly isn’t dull.

Marijane Cauthorn
Marijane Cauthorn

In one recent case, a property owner near the site of the new Braves stadium is suing Cobb County, claiming the county violated zoning procedures and abused its power.

Our senior partner Tom Cauthorn (himself a former Superior Court judge) served as a sidelines commentator, helping readers of the Marietta Daily Journal understand the issues involved.

Readers of the zoning case were guided by Tom’s seasoned observations. To begin, he said the factual allegations seemed complete and were unlikely to be dismissed. He also commented on the reputations of the lawyers representing the aggrieved property owner, drawing from years of experience to conclude that they were “serious-minded people” who would represent only those claims they believed to be “meritorious.”

“The first thing that absolutely leaps off of the page is that the plaintiff is represented by Doug Haynie and Daniel White,” Tom said in the Marietta Daily Journal. “Doug Haynie has been the city attorney for the city of Marietta for 30 years, and … Daniel White, Judge White’s son, is his partner. And Daniel White and Doug are serious-minded people. “I’ve never known either one of them to undertake anything, as far as filing any kind of legal proceeding, where they didn’t believe that there was a meritorious claim or a meritorious defense,” he added.

Tom was careful not to take sides or to predict a verdict. His role was to help citizens navigate the complexities of a case likely to get more attention before it is resolved.

Marijane Cauthorn is the managing partner at Cauthorn Nohr & Owen.